Tuesday 25 September 2012

Feeling like a boss!!! Fixed my Blackberry

Ok soooooo I just wanna brag. Story: I dropped my BB in a freak accident which resulted in the ultimate kiss of death...white screen! So I was left to use my HTC 4G phone (I know, not that bad) But i'm a resourceful person. Woke up the next day and remembered how I fixed my first BB phone finding the solution online. So, I looked up numerous videos, some telling me to squeeze the corners, some to open the phone, all too detailed for my liking. Then as faith would have it, I read some comments, one stood out. ” Remove your battery, plug in your charger and then replace the battery” I was like nah! I doubt! Cant be that simple but the Youtuber said it worked. Nothing to lose. Followed the simple instructions and Eureka! The phone came on, no white screen :-)

Feels like a boss!!!

Hopefully it's not a quick fix....

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