Saturday 22 September 2012

Diary Chronicles: The Kryssy Test

Sooo skip to form 2. When I was a little more forward. When my confidence was as high as it's ever been. I decided to make a quiz up and ask all the guys I knew. My plan was to make it a tad personal and grade each respondent. The guy with the highest score would be the guy I focused my energies on...or so was the plan. You know me, can't ever settle for one treat. :P Remember I'll be recording the entries with as much of the original material as possible (young Krystle didn't care too much for grammar rules) and of course including anonymity.

Trivia Questions
Things I'd Like to ask boys to get their opinion on..

1) How do you know when you like a girl? Does she necessarily have to be "nice"?

2) Do you think of that girl every minute?

3) Do you dream about her all the time, day dream and at night?

4) Do you tell your friends about her?

5) Do you get "horrors" when she gets vex or angry with you?

6) If you are on the verge of asking a girl to "deal" (be your girlfriend), how do you do it? Can she do it?

7) Would you "deal" someone a month and a half younger than you or older than that age?

8) Do boys get nervous when talking to a nice girl for the first time; in person, or more on the phone? explain if you could

9) Do you like to brag about that girl among your friends when they are speaking about their girls?

10) If you knowthat your very good friend likes the same girl you like, would you still go after her or ease up for your friend?

11) If you get to "deal" two girls at one time would you?

12)If you're really shy when talking to a certain girl you like, would you a) ask a friend to talk to her for you, even risking her liking the friend instead? or b)talk to her yourself

13) Do you buy your girl gifts? What would they be?

14) These questions all depend on if you like girls or dogs. Ha! Ha!, not implying that you do, or you never know...

To be continued.....

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