Thursday 4 October 2012

Interested-->Like--More than like: Kryssy style

I just had the urge to note these few things that govern how I feel about the opposite sex. I briefly mentioned it in a previous vlog post. How certain acts just are worth more to me than others, and how others turn me off...So here goes

note I didn't check spelling or grammar rules, this was a spur of the moment post, so excuse I and I....

1) As of late this is a key area...does a guy want to introduce me to friends or family. And I'm not talking about that ”BIG STEP” in status, but what ever happen to the old days when people at least had manners.

Hi this is my friend Krystle... Whats so hard about that. Seems simple but to some people it's like pulling teeth

1B) Conversely to this point, if you happen to drop by my house, show some manners and come introduce yourself. Let my mom or family be able to identify your ass if I go missing... The only reason I don't force my visitors or chauffeurs (that's what you are sometimes) is because I rather see if they have any inert manners in them. I'll hint after but never force

2) I don't force communication, but sometimes I can develop a certain rhythm with a guy. However I hate that if I do fall off you either follow two extremes, don't contact me to see what's wrong or over do it. Jahhh the overdo it part erks me to pieces. I can always be the bigger person and take the first step to restart communication (although some push me not to want to, different story.. :-P ) but trust and believe I will not feel bad ducking some calls (insert: no unexpected visits)

3) Public interactions...ok one, are you one that wants to hide (btw it surely won't last with these guys) or are you one that's ok with both day time and night time interactions... If you're not one to take the initiative and suggest we go somewhere then sorry, it'll never happen. I'll hint all day long of things I like to do and places to go. I'll take the initiative way down the Line, possibly when there's a title involved, you gotta put in some work at least. Make the attempt.

4) Appearance, first thing that can attract me to someone. Back in the day I had a hair waves fetish...idk why. Now a lot can be excused with a nice smile, dentist approved. A guy doesn't have to be Mr GQ but these days I have raised my standards by simply following the rule ”I want to introduce you to my family and not get what-the-hell-is-that reaction”. You can't be obese, I kinda go for slim to semi-muscular/athletic guys. You can't be a bag of bones nor hulk Hogan. I'm just not that attracted to those 2 types.

5) Your personality has to compliment mines. I like guys who can make me laugh. I hate show boaters or Mr Glums... A little angst is ok but hold back the sarcasm sometimes. That can just kill all the vibe. You gotta show a caring side sometimes, jeez. Don't try to belittle me and my opinions.

6) Please have car access. Simple request.

7) don't look to jump down my throat or my pants. I am super cautious these days, like too cautious for my own good. But come on, what do you expect with all the toads out there. Wait a bit. Talking is easy for me, taking that step to a simple thing as a kiss, involves overwriting my brain. I'm not a tease but I'm no fool. I don't like being lude in public. I Always try to be a lady. I'll appreciate anyone that treats me as such. But I do have my moments of weakness...

8) Speaking of kisses. Jahh idk when this happened but this has become like a big deal to me. It means a lot to me. Its like taking a big step. If it's just a hormone induced kiss, then bleh, disregard. If I kiss you, on more than one occassion, without funny business..jahhh I dare to think about how much I like the person and how vulnerable I am. Too many times in the past I kissed someone and afterwards cringe when I wonder why I did it.

9) Oooh cringing. A big one. I don't wanna do anything or say anything that'll make me cringe afterwards. It's one thing to feel ”giddy” when thinking about a guy but to cringe...kiss of death. I immediately pull away, lock off, adios amigo

10) The simple things go a long way. Making me feel warm if I'm freezing, holding my hands, a good hug (not the brother-sister type), a compliment...omg you know what it is to remember a guy saying something bad concerning what you wore/did/looked versus a good compliment...honey vs vinegar, just a thought.

11) I like guys who want my company but understand I like my own space now and again. I show the same respect when roles are switched. Just don't completely ignore me :-P

12) It's a given, I don't go for dumb, unmotivated individuals without an education

13) oooh mama's boys, for my good, stay away. Bad boys, stay away too. Must-go-every-party-boy, you too. At least try to be a Christian...doesn't hurt your standing whatsoever

Did I mention the kissing, family & friends, appearance? Ok then that's it for now

I'm trying to improve and not keep backups, so if I meet someone who possess the good stuff I'll try to quit my bad ways ;-)

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